Inspired by geometry, nature and the spirit, EternalGlyphics brings hand crafted sacred art, symbols that not only amaze the eyes, but help to open the heart.


EternalGlyphics started as a small art business in Brooklyn, New York and is now based in Los Angeles, CA and is run and owned by Catherine Loeffen

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EternalGlyphics developed out of my love and passion for artistic woodworking and ancient spiritual sciences.  Most of my art is based and focused on ancient symbols (Sacred Geometry, Reiki, Ancient Egyptian, Native American, African, Indigenous...) but I also specialize in custom artwork that fits the lifestyle of the individual.  

My handmade vibrant and powerful works of art are constructed out of reclaimed wood, plywood, crystals, hardwoods, metal, and acrylic that fit the lifestyle of the individual.

I hope you can find a piece that resonates with you for your sacred space.  Whether for accents around your home or the centerpiece of your office, our art will reinforce your connection to the universe. 

EternalGlyphics brings art into existence with light, love, peace, exhilaration, freedom, liberty, ecstasy and the creator of the universe. 

May you awaken yourself to who you really are!